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Class Schedule 2024-2025


The Classical Ballet Centre has classes for all skill levels and ages.



Classical Ballet Centre is proud to include the American Ballet Ballet Theatre® National Training Curriculum, a breakthrough 8 level program that combines high quality artistic training with the basics of dancer health and child development. The ABT® National Training Curriculum consists of a comprehensive set of age appropriate, outcome-based guidelines to provide the highest quality ballet training to dance students of all ages and skill levels.

Primary through Level 7 will be taught by ABT® Certified Teacher, Melania Ballish Regueiro, who has successfully completed the ABT® Teacher Training Intensive in Pre-Primary through Level 7of the ABT® National Training Curriculum.

CBC, at the director’s discretion,  may ask students to enroll in different levels regardless of age. 


Age 3-5


Level I

Age 6-8


Level II-A    

Age 8-10

Schedule is subject to change

Outline of Ages / Level — Please note CBC places students in classes based upon age and skill, students will be individually evaluated and may be moved into any class at the discretion of the studio.


Performance rehearsals normally are Friday evening or Saturday. 

Private lessons may be available upon request. 

Please contact Ms. Mel if you are interested.

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Level II-B    

Age 9-11


Level III

Age 10-14



Age 12+

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sch1.jpeg     843-871-7222     622 Old Trolley Rd Suite 130,  Summerville, SC.      © Classical Ballet Centre 2014-Present 

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